Welcome to the first Food News which I hope to make a regular feature with news of all the latest products to hit the shelves and a review of what I thought of them. Here are some products in the order that I recieved them. Food Thoughts Cocoa First up was the 100% Fair Trade…
Walkers Brings Home the Bacon (sponsored post)
I must have been 8 or 9 when I had my first Walkers crisp and remember seeing this new name on boxes on the floor of my local sweet come toy shop. I remember thinking at first “who is this completely unheard of brand” because up until then the market leaders were Golden Wonder and…
Review of Oxo Good Grips Roller Mop & Microfibre Extendable Duster
I was really pleased when I was asked if I would review some cleaning products for Oxo, indeed I was like kid in a sweet shop trying to decide what I’d like to review! In the end I plumped for the Roller Mop because although I do like my current one it’s heads seem to…
Review of Bodum Bistro Double Wall Thermo-Glass Mugs & Competition (closed)
I’m always on the look out for well designed and practical products so when my sister reported that she’d had ice cream served to her in a restaurant in a double walled glass which wasn’t cold to touch, I had to find out more. After a quick google I showed her that the manufacturer must…
Stokes Sauces Review
A while ago I stumbled across a brand in Tesco that I’d not seen before. I was immediately drawn in by the tasteful design and branding and decided that I needed to investigate further. Hence I contacted Stokes Sauces and they kindly sent me some jars of their fine sauces to try out (as well…
Scandinavian Christmas by Trine Hahnemann
It’s not often that I ask for anything having always been a modest type of girl but this modesty went out of the window when I asked to review Scandinavian Christmas by Trine Hahnemann published by Quadrille Publishing. Having a Danish mother every Christmas at home was always Scandinavian so I felt this book was…
Donal Skehan Kitchen Hero Great Food for Less + Giveaway
When I received Donal Skehan Kitchen Hero Great Food 4 Less from Harper Collins I had no idea who Donal Skehan was but soon learned that he is a food blogger from Dublin turned cookery author and this is his third book. On his blog he describes himself as a home cook, photographer and food…