Quick and easy, Banana & Chocolate Quesadilla is like a cheat’s version of a French crepe and tastes out of this world! A great way to use up tortilla wraps, Nutella and ripe bananas! I hadn’t intended to do any recipe posts until the New Year but like all things in life when you aren’t…
Nutella Brioche Pudding
Nutella Brioche Pudding is comfort food at its best! Brioche slices are sandwiched together with Nutella and baked in a delicious vanilla custard – be warned, your family will fight over this! Our local supermarket has opened up a new bakery which is not doing that well and I have heard many complaints from customers…
Hazelnut Chocolate Banana Delight with Meringue
Hazelnut Chocolate Banana Delight with Meringue is a more nutritious version of Angel Delight made with frozen banana and Nutella! It’s many years (actually decades) since I had Angel Delight but it came to my notice recently that it’s still a very popular dessert amongst adults. I think we all hang on to our childhood…
Rhubarb & Blackberry Spiral Cobbler
Rhubarb & Blackberry Spiral Cobbler – the perfect comfort pudding where the cobbler topping is enriched with marzipan and cinnamon. Today I’m sharing Rhubarb & Blackberry Spiral Cobbler! Sometimes I see a recipe and I just want to tweak it to my own taste. This happened recently when I saw a Rhubarb Spiral Cobbler (with…
Banana S’mores
Banana S’mores are utterly delicious and the perfect dessert to make on the BBQ or whilst camping. If you’re in a hurry you can use the microwave! After a recent chat with Christina from Christina’s Cucina we got talking about S’mores, a term I have seen crop up so many times on Twitter courtesy of…
Blackberry Tofu Brûlée
Blackberry Tofu Brûlée is the perfect low fat, vegan dessert for summer. So delicious, everyone will love this dessert! I have been out foraging for blackberries quite a few times already this summer and having made jam and cake I wanted to turn my attention to a healthy dessert. Flicking through my The Ultimate Healthy…
Black Forest Vanilla Ice Milk
Black Forest Vanilla Ice Milk or Cherry, Dark Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Milk is the perfect icy summer dessert to cool down with! With summer well and truly here refreshment is on everyone’s mind and hot comforting puddings are put on the back burner. One of our favourite summer desserts is “ice milk” as it…
Victoria Sandwich
The Victoria Sandwich is a classic British cake sandwiched with homemade strawberry jam and clotted cream. Also known as a Victoria Sponge Cake, it’s perfect for afternoon tea! Every now and again a surprise package will turn up and the other week a lovely parcel arrived from Rodda’s to celebrate World Baking Day. Shamefully I…
A few favourite recipes to celebrate my 2nd Anniversary!
A few favourite recipes to celebrate my 2nd Anniversary! So Fab Food 4 All is 2 years old today. It’s been a real rollercoaster of a journey. I’ve gone from someone who’d never used social media, not even Facebook, to embracing a whole brace of it. Being a food writer and blogger I’m constantly learning,…
Slow Cooker Double Chocolate Speculoos Puddle Pudding
Well, there’s a name that trips off the tongue easily! I could also have mentioned that this pudding is eggless, but I think that would have been a step too far! I used dark and white chocolate but if you wanted to make this pudding suitable for a vegan then you could just use dark…