I recently thought it would be really interesting to find out from a few bloggers what they cooked most from their own blogs. This was a very tough question indeed! Of course we have many favourites but the recipes we tend to make the most are the quick and easy ones where you barely need…
Mushroom & Walnut Penne – Organic & Vegetarian
Mushroom & Walnut Penne is a vegetarian pasta dish with organic mushrooms, walnuts, white wine, and yogurt. Perfect for a quick midweek meal. Mushroom & Walnut Penne is a nutritious organic, low-fat, vegetarian dish made with mushrooms, walnuts, white wine, and yogurt, finished off with a good grating of hard cheese! To celebrate Organic Food…
Chilli Prawn and Pasta Salad
My daughter has been nagging me for a long time to make pasta salad because if we’ve ever have to buy lunch out, this is what she chooses. So one night feeling inspired I thought about what flavours would work well together and so my Chilli Prawn and Pasta Salad was born. I just love…
Turkey & Chorizo Meatballs
Turkey & Chorizo Meatballs are infused with red chilli, chorizo and cheddar in a tangy tomato sauce and are perfect served with spaghetti. Turkey meat can be a little bland if I’m honest so when my mother recently gave me a pack of reduced turkey breast mince (we love a bargain in my family), I…
A few favourite recipes to celebrate my 2nd Anniversary!
A few favourite recipes to celebrate my 2nd Anniversary! So Fab Food 4 All is 2 years old today. It’s been a real rollercoaster of a journey. I’ve gone from someone who’d never used social media, not even Facebook, to embracing a whole brace of it. Being a food writer and blogger I’m constantly learning,…
Happy New Year & Some Highlights from 2013
Happy New Year to all my readers 2013 was full of ups and downs as I’m sure it was for you. I’m only going to focus on the ups as life is all about how you react to the challenges that come your way and I’m always trying to channel my inner Pollyanna (even though…
Chilli, Bacon & Chickpea Pasta – a Signature Dish
I was recently invited by Sainsbury’s to share my Signature Dish as they are running a Kitchen Heroes competition where “by Sainsburys” staples come to the rescue. I am the world’s worst meal planner and although I can see 2 or 3 days ahead after that I just tend to wing it; that’s when I…
Bacon, Leek & Pine Nut Pasta
Bacon, Leek & Pine Nut Pasta – a fabulous quick and easy midweek meal. Rustle this up in minutes after a hard day at work! Today I’m sharing Bacon, Leek & Pine Nut Pasta! The other day I’d taken some bacon out of the freezer for the evening meal thinking I’d do a pasta dish….
Cauliflower & Broccoli Mac ‘n’ Cheese
Cauliflower & Broccoli Mac ‘n’ Cheese from Donal Skehan. Sure to become a family favourite! I was sent Donal Skehan’s: Kitchen Hero, Great Food for Less by the lovely people at Harper Collins a while ago now and have really enjoyed trying out a few recipes. (Check out my book review here). The hands down…
Scrumptious Chipolata Tagliatelle
I recently tweeted Nigel Slater and asked him for a suggestion as to what I could do with chipolatas, he kindly replied suggesting a cream and mustard sauce with some pasta. Hence my inspiration was fired up and I came up with Scrumptious Chipolata Tagliatelle. I decided against cream as I have over indulged the…